
Goals and Benefits

Identify your competencies

ProfilPASS cover twice

In everyday working life we ​​need more than just specialist knowledge: we also need the competence to use this knowledge appropriately. We often acquire skills such as teamwork and the ability to learn, creativity, adaptability and resilience on the side and unconsciously in everyday work or in our free time.

The ProfilPASS supports you in systematically determining and presenting your competencies. Your role in the family, leisure time and voluntary work is just as important as your professional career. By examining what you do and act, you will recognize your competencies. The result is your own personal competence profile.


Use your personal competence profile


Those who know each other well can better plan their (professional) future. Use your personal competence profile to link it to your current wishes and plans, to specify them and plan the next steps. 

The ProfilPASS will help you   

  • planning your professional development,
  • the preparation of your (re)entry into working life,
  • Your professional and personal (re)orientation and
  • planning future learning projects.